Scottish Performance Horse Clinic

Scottish Performance Horse Clinic

Part of the University of Glasgows’ Weipers Centre Equine Hospital.


Poor performance testing is offered on five levels.
Reports are provided to the referring veterinary surgeon within 48 hours of testing

    1. Dynamic Upper Airway Endoscopy
    2. Dynamic Upper Airway Endoscopy and cardiac evaluation including ECG telemetry +/- echocardiography (bronchoalveolar lavage and tracheal washing)
    3. Musculoskeletal examination including muscle function and lameness evaluations
    4. Gastroscopy for gastric ulceration
    5. Equestrian evaluation for schooling and behavioral problems

About performance testing

Based at the Weipers Centre Equine Hospital, University of Glasgow and mobile clinic at locations around the UK
Demonstrations for referring veterinary surgeons on request

The Scottish Performance Horse Clinic is a referral only clinic and
all horses have to be referred by a veterinary surgeon
Weipers Equine Hospital
Mark Johnston Racing